Waterline Challenge | Team Registration
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Team Registration

How To Register For The Waterline Challenge

All Waterline Challenge® Charities, Teams and Team members must be registered with our partner donation site Givar. Registration is free and does not commit you to anything. Once registered on Givar you will be able to search for your favourite charity and others that support similar goals.

Registering in Benojo

Use the link below to go to the Givar ‘Sign up as a user’ page. Fill in your name, email address and nominate a password. (Please remember to make a note of your password.) It will also ask if you give permission for campaigns to which you contribute to contact you (your choice) and agree to the sites ‘terms of use’.

The site will then present 3 screens asking in general terms the kinds of causes you are interested. This enables Benojo to build a profile in order to be able to send you messages about charities and campaigns you might like to know about.


Register in Benojo


Register your Team in Benojo

It is always a good idea to contact you Charity first and let them know you are forming a Waterline Challenge® team to support them as they may have some extra information to help complete the team registration.

The Team Leader will log in to Givar and use the search function to find your charity and then select the Waterline Challenge® 2018 Campaign page or you Charity may have already sent you a link to their campaign. Make sure it is the 2018 Campaign not just the Charity page or an earlier waterline Challenge. If you cannot find the 2018 Campaign page you will need to contact your Charity.

From the Campaign, page select the red Start a Fundraiser button. You can now add your team details including any special information required by your Charity. Team name should be meaningful and distinctive (try and include the Charity as well). Target is the amount the team hopes to raise. The What and Why box should say what you are doing to raise funds for your charity. Address can be very general and just refers to the location of your challenge. The existing Tags are there to help track each campaign – Please do not delete them – however, feel free to add anymore you like such as your team name. Finally feel free to add an image or video to your team page.

When completed submit and see the result. If there are any problems use Edit under the More dropdown menu to correct them. If everything is correct select Fundraise as a team under the More dropdown menu, hit Save to go to the Invitation page where you can invite all your team members by entering their email addresses.

Each team member will get an invitation email with a link to the Benojo Join Team page, enter the password from the email and you are in the team!